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Sunday, December 7, 2014

"The Look of Love . . . " : 2015 Wedding Photography Composition Style

Bride :  Jhie Eihj
Gown by: Jhie Eihj
Photographers : Glenn Di El &  ITSURA

As much as possible, I don't want to venture into artificial light photography. Imagine changing  the aperture of an f-2.8 lens into f 9 to be calibrated  with the light of the flash? So what's the use of your low light lens? But in a combination of portrait and scenery photography and in using tele-photo lens in a dark environment - the circumstances applies. We took this shots with 70 - 300 mm f 4 - 4.5 from about 5 to 7 meters distance using speedlight.  Unlike our other projects, this is the first time that we used speedlight in our 70 - 300 mm shoot.